Before making any purchase you evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of spending your money, don’t you? After all, no one wants to make an investment that will not give a return, will not completely satisfy, and even less meet the expectations that the advertising has projected in your mind. The same method should be applied when buying your first property!

Acquiring your own apartment or house is a big step toward personal fulfillment. Giving up renting means more money for you and your family to live well, and also that you are creating your own equity. Therefore, your decision to buy needs to be strategic and well studied.

In this article, we will point out the most important factors that should be carefully analyzed before you make your decision. Read on to find out more:

The perfect place to live

The location is, without a doubt, the most relevant factor. You certainly want to live in a strategic region, with several points of trade, medical care, banks, schools, and avenues close enough for you to move around freely with public transportation. However, more than this, you need to go beyond and research the region’s crime rates; after all, safety is also a point to be prioritized.

Price and payment conditions

When we talk about buying, we are automatically talking about price and payment. It is important to remember that in Brazil, real estate is considered a large investment and the installments (for those who prefer financing instead of paying in cash) end up taking up a good slice of the family income. Therefore, researching lines of credit and government programs that help you pay off your apartment is essential.

Read also:

The size of your future property

What is the size of your dream home? How many bedrooms? For how many people? Will you have pets? What about furniture and hearth? Many things you intend to bring into the apartment must be considered in order to choose an apartment with the ideal size. Nowadays it is possible to notice a trend towards compact properties, but in these cases the space can be well utilized through creative remodeling solutions.

Your safety and that of your family

A quality condominium has security inside and outside the apartments 24 hours a day. You can’t neglect this factor when making your technical visits and talking to the builder or developer. Check if the protection system is modern, if there are cameras strategically positioned and in which places, if the professionals are trained, if the electric fences work, among other similar resources.

Leisure and relaxation spaces

Last but not least, leisure options complement an amazing experience inside the condominium you choose to buy your first apartment of your own. You may not value many options, but the essentials must be present, such as swimming pool, party room, gym, and outdoor spaces. These are great options for relaxation and rest on weekends, days off, vacations, and vacations.

Taking all this into consideration, it is easy to find the perfect place for you and your whole family to live for long and beautiful years. Would you like more information like the ones in this publication? Visit the VRV blog and enjoy!