The real estate market is constantly changing and every year new trends emerge. Therefore, if you are looking to sell or buy a house or apartment, you need to understand the main interests of the buyers of the time. Keep in mind that changes in real estate bring not only innovations, but also unmissable opportunities.

Based on this, we have selected the main trends that real estate market participants are showing interest in this new period. Read on and find out more:

Working environments indoors

The social distance has stimulated the need for an exclusive work environment inside people’s homes. Buyers began to look for properties with larger spaces, infrastructure to perform daily services, professional activities, and leisure. Therefore, those who live in apartments and small houses are looking for new residences.

Home office work has increased significantly, but the property does not necessarily have to be huge to accommodate this and other needs. If it has a well thought out and organized floor plan, the interest of those who want to move in already increases.

Smarter apartments and houses

Smart homes are projects built to easily accommodate the new appliances that are gaining more and more functionality. Some examples are Smart TVs that run commands by voice or cell phone app, multicolor light bulbs connected to wi-fi, vacuuming robots, and more.

Several of these options depend on a larger structure, well-thought-out connection points, pre-installed wiring, and other facilities. And the best part is that a technological residence like this is increasingly accessible to all audiences, increasing its demand.

Integrated environments

The daily rush of life and the need for more space have drawn buyers’ attention to an interesting trend: integrated living spaces. These people have preferred to live in apartments or houses where they can make better use of the reduced space and have more freedom during their daily activities.

In this option, some walls that delimit spaces disappear and the furniture starts to delimit the living room, kitchen, and even the balcony. In other situations, the idea goes to the extreme, where the residence is treated as a large living room and the decoration does the work of dividing the rooms.

Well located properties

Living well also means living in an area that offers advantages. The main ones are: public safety, a complete commercial center, access roads, accessible public transportation, and many other similar factors that have become essential issues for those who are deciding whether or not to buy a house or an apartment.

However, it is important to point out that a well-located residence is not necessarily one that is located in the most expensive or central neighborhoods. Many times, it is the needs of the buyer that tell whether that house is ideal or not. After all, those who are used to waking up thirty minutes before work will not want to wake up later.

These are the main trends that buyers are looking for in real estate today. Are you interested in any of these concepts? Talk to one of our brokers to get to know our residential properties specially designed with these characteristics.