The kitchen is one of the main rooms in the house or apartment where people live together. Family members tend to gather there to share breakfast, lunch, dinner, and other types of meals. It is also the place to receive friends and guests for celebrations and parties, and all this makes the decoration possibilities almost endless, since the owners of the residence want a beautiful and cozy space to handle these situations.

In addition, the decorations directly influence the dweller’s mood, especially that of the person responsible for cooking. In this way, the need for harmony and beauty is great, because everyone wants to work in an environment where they feel good.

It is necessary to insert personality traces in the decoration, aiming to create the most comfortable and functional project for you to prepare delicious gastronomic recipes without feeling uncomfortable. And with that in mind, we have separated tips and trends aimed at the kitchen that can help you decorate or redecorate. Check them out:

Organizers and shelves

A great idea is to use organizer shelves to accommodate plates, cups, pots, spice jars, and various formats of containers and utensils. This furniture option can replace cabinets, making the kitchen super functional, covering empty spaces on the walls and, if they are smart choices, matching the furniture and other elements of the place. Leaving items exposed speeds up the daily routine.

Counter for quick meals

In a busy routine, sometimes there is no time to set the table, sit down with the husband or wife and children, and eat calmly. So a small table or counter, in a specific corner of the kitchen, becomes very useful when we want to quickly nibble something, clean up, and then go on to meet appointments.

Hidden appliances

Aiming for a “cleaner” visual experience, hiding appliances has become a curiously popular trend among art & decor lovers. Whether many or few objects, the idea is not to see them, i.e., to allocate them in spacious, ventilated cabinets.

Light colors

In case you are afraid to risk choosing the color palette, know that light tones are very “safe” options for every occasion. White, beige, and “baby” shades convey a feeling of spaciousness, help with lighting, and, due to their neutrality, allow the use of colored utensils in order to give diversity to the details.

Bold colors

But as the goal of all decoration is to attribute the owner’s personality traces to the room, using and abusing bright colors is also a way to go. The recommended ones are yellow, red, and orange, because they stimulate the appetite.

Creative flooring

Basic floors seem to be adequate choices, however, if they add more than just exist in the environment, they will make the kitchen super special. The floor can make a big difference, it comes in many colors, patterns and textures, and if they are easy to clean, even better! Always consider the perfect combination with the furniture.

Through these tips, it is possible to make your kitchen beautiful, pleasant, and functional.

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