For those who have invested in a property, the most rewarding moment of the whole struggle is when they receive the keys to their new home. The excitement is such that many families don’t know what to do next and only think about occupying the unit as soon as possible. However, calmness and planning are also needed in this part of the journey.

Before decorating, installing furniture and appliances, or even doing internal renovations, it is necessary to check and evaluate the infrastructure, documentation, finishing, and turn on the gas, power, and water supply, among many other details. Organizing steps for all this is the best way to ensure that everything happens as it should and quickly.
Would you like to know what to do after you get the keys to your apartment? Continue reading this post until the end. Check it out:


To avoid any problems related to the documentation of your new apartment, it is indispensable to check and review all the property documents.
This is a delicate topic, so, if you think it is necessary, resort to a qualified professional who works in the area. If you find any irregularity, contact as soon as possible the office of the construction company that did the construction work and participated in the procedures that transferred the property to your name.


At this point, you should check the condition of the entire space, evaluating if the pieces are installed correctly, if doors, windows, and locks are not defective, if the floors and tiles are well fixed, if there are any cracks or oddness in the rooms, and so on.
A great tip is to conduct the complete inspection in the morning, while there is still daylight to allow a detailed and clear view of the interior of the apartment. With this effort, you avoid experiencing headaches when you move in.


Made and provided by the building company, the owner’s manual contains information about the rights and obligations of the new owner of the apartment, including valuable tips about how the house works.
In the manual you can find, for example, guidelines for installing the gas system, information about the electrical network and its connections, measurements of each room, and a description of how to make safe holes in the walls to accommodate furniture,
As this document is very important, it needs to be always nearby and kept carefully for later consultation. But be sure to read it completely.


Before moving in, it is necessary to request the connection of the electric power, after all, depending on the time you will bring the furniture to the apartment, there will be no daylight. To do this, contact your local power company.
In parallel, you can also contact the water and sewage company, so that as soon as the move is finished, the property can be lived in without any problems. And if there is already a stove in your new home, cover the connection of the gas system. Use the owner’s manual to find out whether it works with CNG or LPG.


Finally, the most expected moment: the time to move in. Install the basic services, such as cable TV, internet and telephone, contacting the companies responsible for these services. If your furniture is new, you can already signal the supplier to install it. And meanwhile, you and your family can put up the decorations and decorations that you have bought in order to make your new home pleasant for everyone.

There are many steps that need to be taken before you move in. Get organized and make all the necessary requests in advance, because some services take time to be completed. Also pay attention to the condominium fee. In many cases, you need to pay it right after you hand over the keys, so get organized financially beforehand as well.
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