It can seem daunting to make big decisions. One of them is our first apartment. We know how hard it is to keep things organized when we are moving to a new place. That’s why VRV has prepared some tips to get you off on the right foot!


Plan your move-in

Most condominiums reserve specific days and times for moving. Check with the liquidator which are the best dates to plan and be able to reserve the entrance of trucks, reserve a service elevator or any lifting that needs to be done by a specialized company.


Select what goes and what stays

It may seem like a very cruel doubt, having to choose which items go to your new apartment and which ones should not go for some reason.

You may realize that you have accumulated too many things that are no longer used, among other things that you really like and didn’t want to get rid of.

But think about the real need to take your belongings, such as clothes, objects, books, furniture or toys. Separate the items that you are not going to take and set aside for donation. Besides helping with your move, you will also help someone who needs it!


Time to pack!

Do you ever get the feeling that all the boxes are the same and you don’t know where that one item you need is?

You don’t have to go crazy if you use identification pens and stickers! Mark the objects, number the boxes, or paint them according to each room in your apartment. That way you know how to separate the boxes before you even open them!

You can also create a map of where the boxes are and write down: “Boxes 5 to 10 are in the living room, while boxes 11 to 20 are in the kitchen”.


Prepare emergency kits!

Your move may last longer than expected. So separate your personal items and changes of clothes, as well as medicines and frequently used objects, to go with you! That way you don’t have to despair about not finding your cell phone charger or toothpaste!

In some condominiums, carriers are only allowed to operate at specific times and on agreed days. If your move takes longer than expected, you could be in trouble if you don’t have your emergency kit. It is also worth remembering that it is better to have more moving time than less!


Advise those responsible

You may have hired a moving crew, so the ideal is to stipulate all the rules and care of your belongings. This goes for family help as well!
Inform them about dates and times, specific rules of the moving location, and make sure that nothing gets out of hand, or that anything arrives at the new house broken.


Call the service providers

Can you imagine arriving at your new home and finding out that the power won’t be turned on for three days? Call ahead for water, electricity, telephone, and internet services and find out the installation date for all of them, so you won’t be left in the lurch!



Always keep your toolbox handy. At this moment it will be extremely useful for you to be able to assemble all your new home!


VRV is concerned about your well being, come see your apartment with us! Check the conditions available for the purchase of your property.


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