For professionals or lovers of beautiful decoration and well-designed architecture, we have selected some series that you can find in the Netflix catalog, for you to get inspired, and who knows, explore the possibilities that your own home can offer!


1 – Order in the House with Marie Kondo

The famous housekeeping expert Marie Kondo helps customers to put their homes and their lives in order, transforming homes with a lot of inspiration. In this series she gives several tips for rooms and environments and much more.

It’s worth a look if you are a fan of tidying up and love to see how a home becomes more comfortable with everything in its place!


2 – Grand Designs

Host Kevin McCloud follows, from start to finish, the ambitious designs of people who are dedicated to building their own home. From the creation of the concept to the finished house, he periodically visits the construction site to check on the progress and delays that occur in construction and design, while also providing budget and materials data and other useful information.

After the renovation is over, he visits the house one last time, analyzing and giving his opinion about the whole process.


3 – Brothers at work

The series is in its tenth season on TV, and is shown on the Discovery Home&Health pay-TV channel. However, you can also find it on Netflix, however, only through the second season.

The series shows the amusing twin brothers Jonathan, a contractor and designer, and Drew Scott, a real estate broker, who undertake to find an unimpressive house in need of renovation and a facelift to create the dream home for a couple.


4 – Abstract: the art of design

Without emphasizing exclusively interior design, the series shows designers from several areas, ranging from architecture to illustration and photography, with the intention of showing how the creativity of these people contributes to make people’s routine a little easier and more pleasant.


5 – The most extraordinary houses in the world

In this series, the couple composed of architect Piers Taylor and his wife, actress Caroline Quentin, travels the world in search of the most unusual and original houses that exist. The episodes are separated by the location of the houses: in the mountains, in the forest, on the coast, and underground.


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