After many years of paying rent, do you want to finally buy a property? Then check out these seven great tips that we have prepared and make sure you are choosing the ideal apartment or house for your future. Read on!

1. Prepare yourself to buy a property

Before choosing your new home, it is important to prepare financially for the purchase. This is necessary because buying a property, be it a house or an apartment, involves large sums of money, and without any kind of security, you can get caught up.

The key word for this situation is financial planning. For example, if you are trying to get a mortgage, you need to have a percentage of the property value available to make a down payment.

There are also people who choose to buy in cash. In this case, the entire value of the residence must be on hand to be paid in one payment.

But in addition to the value of the property, other expenses will also arise, such as notary registrations, bank transactions, taxes, possible maintenance on the house, etc. So, before you look for a new home, make sure that your money reserves can handle it.

2. Define your priorities regarding real estate

The next step is to define your priorities so that the search for a property is easier and more assertive. Then you will need to imagine what features cannot be missing in your dream home, such as the number of bedrooms, balcony, second floor, etc.

In this sense, your needs and family configuration will weigh a lot at the time of the choice, because all the children will need a bedroom, and if you work from home, you will probably need an office.

Analyze all aspects very carefully and imagine whether the lack of one thing or another will help or hinder you in the future.

3. Set an amount to invest

Money is probably the most important topic when it comes to buying a property. Because of this, knowing how much is available to buy a house or apartment is vital to avoid future problems in the family budget.

This way, it is important to list all the housing options in mind, compare the values, and also compare the advantages of living in that location. After all, neighborhood is a big cost driver for real estate.

And don’t forget to research the average cost of square meters in the region, to check if the price charged for the house or apartment of your interest is fair.

4. Evaluate the neighborhood and infrastructure

Another important issue for you not to make a mistake when buying a property is to check the information about the neighborhood where your dream house or apartment is located.

And that means walking around the area to know if there are schools, hospitals, squares, leisure areas, various stores, if the streets are good quality and easy to navigate, if it is a safe location, among other factors.

5. Talk to the neighbors

Another important practice to buy a property and not regret it later is to talk to the residents of that region. The neighbors are the main source of information about the neighborhood and the people who live there, and will certainly guide your decision.

If you frequent the street at different times and on different days before making the purchase, you will notice the flow of people, if there is a lot of noise, animals, if all the streetlights work, among other issues.

Not always the realtor of the house or apartment will have all the information on the tip of his tongue, so going out to do a “field research” helps you a lot when buying a property.

6. Follow the development’s evolution

If your future home is located in a condominium, as is the case with almost all apartments, it is necessary to maintain constant contact with the construction company to know the evolution of the property that has been purchased.

This is even more necessary if your purchase was made in the planning stage, when there will still be some time for the launching to take place. Following each stage will give you security and more willpower so that you don’t give up on your dream home.

7. Keep an eye on the documentation

Finally: the documentation. Buying a property means dealing with a lot of paperwork, so keep a close eye on the charges that are made by the construction company and the bank, and whether the documents delivered to you are up to date and complete.

At this point, a lawyer or real estate agent can help you a lot and take much of the burden of buying a property off your back. It is, yes, an extra expense, but one that will bring a lot of peace of mind during the purchase.

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